Howlistic Help
Dog Training

Facing specific training issues with your dog?
Whether it’s pulling on the lead, jumping up on guests, poor recall, I’m here to help.
We’ll work with you to help you train your dog to have great recall, stop your dog jumping up, help your dog walk nicely on the lead, or help them to be calm and confident.
Whatever your goals are we are here to help you achieve them together with your dog.
Howlistic Help specialises in personalised, practical
and in home training solutions to suit busy families.
We start with an initial consultation, followed by owner coaching sessions and/or training walks. All training with Howlistic Help includes on-going email support; clients are welcome to email me with any questions regarding their dog’s training for as long as required.
Training with Howlistic Help is fun, effective and empowering for everyone - four legged or otherwise.
Get in touch to book a consultation or for any questions.

Training Walk
We accelerate the training process and take some of the pressure off you doing all the homework yourself. These are a great solution for time-poor households, or for cases that require a more experienced handler.
Your dog is picked up for 1:1 Training with a certified dog trainer
1 hour $90 each
10X 1 hour $850
2 - 3 hour session $200

Training Walk Program
The Training Walk program is for owners wanting their dog to get on-going training on a regular basis.
A Training Walk is a one hour long, trainer only session. Your dog is taken for 1:1 training with a Howlistic Help trainer either from your home or in suitable training locations.
The Training Walk program is excellent for dogs with behaviour problems out on the walk. Especially effective for training: Loose leash walking, reliable recall, confidence building and general obedience out and about, focus around distractions, reducing fear and anxiety and more.
Receiving regular training from a professional also helps to speed up the training process, and owners often see faster progress on this program than they would achieve by just working with the dog themselves.
Our training walk program is our most popular service and many of our clients have been with us for months or even years.
Dogs love training walks, they continue to thrive learning from a professional dog trainer.
Please be aware places are limited for training walks and packages are based on minimum one booking per week
Single One Hour Training Walk
Ten One Hour Training Walks Package
*Package based on minimum one booking per week
All prices include GST